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ExxonMobil World Energy Outlook to 2040

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Exxon Mobil

The world’s largest company, ExxonMobil, recently released its 51 page energy outlook up to 2040.

Amongst the highlights:

  • Global energy demand will be about 30% higher in 2040
  • Worldwide demand for natural gas will rise by 60% over the next 28 years
  • By 2040, we will have used half of the proven oil reserves in the world

The report also predicts what types of energy and how much will be used in 2040 as well as the impact new technologies, efficiencies and policies have on the market.

Download The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040 rollout presentation here

The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040

Facts about ExxonMobil

If ExxonMobil were a country:

  • Its staff numbers would be comparable to the population of Antigua and Barbuda
  • Its yearly revenues would put it on a par with the GDP of Poland, the world’s 20th largest economy.
  • Its oil reserves would surpass all proven oil stocks in India.


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