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People Are The Missing Ingredient Posts

Soon after the Macondo disaster the US authorities (at that time BOEMRE, the Bureau of Ocean Energy management, Regulation and Enforcement) issued what became known as the ‘drilling safety rule’.
Let’s Get Fracking!
Published: 2014-01-15
Dive into the debate on fracking with insights on its benefits and controversies, and its pivotal role in the future of energy production.
With the conclusion of phase 1 of the oil and gas industry's spotlight trial, there...
BP Rests Its Case Week 8 of the trial saw BP complete its c...
BP On the Stand Week 7 saw BP field a string of witnesses;...
Halliburton Case Concludes. Case Against Cameron Dismissed The trial in New Orleans is really moving on. Halliburton completed and rested their case this week. The Judge dismissed the case against Cameron, having deci...
Transocean Rest Their Case Week 5 saw Transocean completing t...
Transocean’s Turn in New Orleans The trial reached its first milestone this week when the plaintiffs rested their case after three and a half weeks of testimony. No doubt to their great relief, MI Swaco...
The trial really got into the technical details this week. Witnesses testified in four key areas: BOP, cementation, mud logging and the condition and organisation of the ‘
As I followed the second week of the trial last week I was struck more by what was agreed rather than by what was in dispute. As the court examined the facts of the case from well design to the blow out, there was surprisingly little dis...
Someone once told me ‘if you think safety is expensive, you should try having an accident’. Boy was I reminded of this as I watched the opening salvoes in the ‘
The time of the autocrat is over
Published: 2011-09-23
What does it mean to be a leader? Could it not be argued that management is just a case of knowing more than everyone else and using staff as a tool to apply and exploit that superior knowledge?
Against a background of aging assets and cost reduction, industry is still looking for improvements in safety and productivity. To some this has created a seemingly impossible situation where something has to give, and in some quarte...
The world doesn’t owe us a living. In an increasingly competitive arena we not only have to continually improve our performance but we also have to be sure that we are working on the things that really matter for 100% of our time....
The west finds itself in a tough race with the increasingly influential economies from the east. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the supply and consumption of energy, particularly oil and gas. Are there things we can do to at least...
A good manager achieves nothing on his own. He needs the people around him to act if he is to make any difference at all.
The pitfalls of contracts
Published: 2011-07-07
Last weekend the Scottish papers all carried reports on the state of the Edinburgh tram project. It is estimated that 85% of the original budget is spent with less than 40% of the works completed.
More and more, and not just in industry, we seem to find it difficult to work on the things that really matter. Our priorities seem to be set by others and often we never quite get round to addressing some concerns, especially if these c...
How Can We Better Include People In Our Decision Making? The most important job of a manager is to make sure that their staff work on the right things. However people often work on the wrong things simply...
In the wake of the Gulf of Mexico disaster, is BP and the rest of...