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Case Study: Managing Process Reliability and Safety with TÜPRAŞ

How TÜPRAŞ made risk performance accessible company-wide with one interface for all refineries.

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Operating four oil refineries, with a total annual crude-oil processing capacity of approximately 30 million tons, Tüpraş is a leading producer in Turkey’s refining sector and the country’s largest industrial enterprise.

“Each of our refineries has between two and three thousand safety instrumented functions (SIFs) in place to protect our people and equipment.“

In this case study, learn how Tüpraş manages it's safety instrumented functions using SIFpro and how it supports its operations with reliable, high-performing safety software that works for each site, as well as making risk performance accessible company-wide with one interface for all refineries.

As a multi-faceted and comprehensive program, SIFpro enables Tüpraş to review and analyze more than just SIFs including:

  • Instrument failure rates
  • Maintenance Task Interval Optimization
  • LOPAs and SILS

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