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Gartner® Report: 3 Practical Actions to Address Uncertainties in Pathways for Reducing GHG Emissions

Learn about the challenges for energy organizations in turning GHG reduction commitments into tangible action, including managing market decarbonization, identifying available innovation, and navigating financial uncertainties

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Oil & Gas IQ

Reducing GHG Emissions

Energy enterprises must respond to market and technology uncertainties to meet long-term GHG reduction goals and retain stakeholder confidence and avoid claims of greenwashing. Gartner® outlines key research findings and practical recommendations to help executive leaders align investments to GHG emissions reduction goals. The actions to bridge uncertainty include: diagnosing the impact of the challenge on reduction goals; deciding action to offset it; and monitoring progress and effectiveness.

Access the report to discover: 

  • Assumptions around the future availability of low-carbon energy and the growth rate of low-carbon resources in the energy market are often flawed
  • Enterprises that choose to shelve existing low-cost technologies and wait for newer low-carbon technologies to scale may risk greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goals being missed
  • Relying on traditional investment measures, such as ROI and net present value (NPV), can result in significant delays in meeting GHG emissions reduction targets

Receive complimentary access to this Gartner® report from GE Digital here.

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Gartner® Report: 3 Practical Actions to Address Uncertainties in Pathways for Reducing GHG Emissions, Sarah Watt, Kristen Moyer, 1 February 2023