Post Conference Day: Hybrid Projects

Post Conference Day

Exploring The Potential of Hybrid Projects Through Collaborations

10:00 am - 10:30 am Morning Refreshments & Registration

10:30 am - 10:40 am Welcome Address by Asia Energy Week

10:40 am - 11:40 am Hybrid Hydropower and Floating Solar Project

Sabillah Muchammad - Portfolio Management Analyst, PT PLN
  • Understanding the potential of Hybrid projects with Hydropower plants with floating solar 
  • Designing floating platforms capable of withstanding water currents, wind loads, and the weight of solar panels. 
  • Developing efficient and reliable power conversion systems to combine the output from both renewable sources. 


Sabillah Muchammad

Portfolio Management Analyst

11:40 am - 12:30 pm Let’s Talk! Key Takeaways & Action Points

We will break out into a friendly roundtable session to exchange and share key takeaways and actionable points on your learnings from the workshop. Let's learn and grow together!  

12:30 pm - 12:40 pm Workshop Leader C’s Closing Remarks

12:40 pm - 1:40 pm Lunch & Networking Break

1:40 pm - 2:40 pm Exploring The Benefits and Challenges of Hybrid Power Projects

  • Delve into the synergistic advantages of combining different renewable energy sources to create a sustainable power supply 
  • Examine the technical, economic, and environmental challenges associated with integrating multiple renewable energy sources 
  • Discuss potential solutions, including advanced energy management systems, innovative energy storage technologies, and sustainable site planning and development practices 

2:40 pm - 3:30 pm Let’s Talk! Key Takeaways & Action Points

We will break out into a friendly roundtable session to exchange and share key takeaways and actionable points on your learnings from the workshop. Let's learn and grow together!  

3:30 pm - 3:40 pm Workshop Leader D’s Closing Remarks

3:40 pm - 3:40 pm End of Post-Conference Day