Ganesan Kumarprasad

Technology Foresight Manager, Technology & New Product Development Seatrium

Mr Ganesan Kumaraprasad is a seasoned energy professional with a strong background in upstream oil and gas and brings with him extensive experience spanning concept development to project commissioning. As the Technology Foresight Manager at Seatrium, Mr Ganesan leads the Group’s efforts in advancing hydrogen, ammonia, and carbon capture technologies for marine and offshore applicaƟons. He plays a key role in integraƟng these technologies into strategic, high-value projects, such as hydrogen marine fuel systems, ammonia bunkering vessels, and carbon capture soluƟons, supporƟng their scalability and readiness for large-scale deployment. Most recently, he led the Hydrogen Marine Fuel Pilot Project with Shell, Inc and Penguin InternaƟonal and secured Approval in Principle (AiP) for the Ammonia Bunker Vessel project. Mr Ganesan holds a Master of Technology degree in Chemical Engineering from Anna University, India, and has authored numerous academic and industry papers. His work is focused on mariƟme decarbonisaƟon and the transiƟon to renewable energy, driving innovaƟve soluƟons to reduce environmental impact. Mr Ganesan has presented at various industry forums such as the NORWEP FPSO/FLNG Forum, Singapore MariƟme Week and the Ammonia as Marine Fuel Summit. He also led the Seatrium DecarbonisaƟon Forum, emphasising his commitment to sustainable energy

Main Conference Day 2

9:10 AM Panel Discussion: Powering Public-Private Partnerships for Accelerating Clean Energy Project Developmen

  • Discussing the benefits and challenges of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for financing, constructing, and operating floating power, energy storage, and hydrogen projects 
  • Analysing successful PPP models implemented in other regions and explore their applicability to the Asian context 
  • Facilitating interaction between government agencies, private companies, and investors to foster collaboration for clean energy project development 

11:20 AM Seatrium's Floating Energy Storage: Advancing Sustainability and Technology in Marine Applications

  • Innovative floating energy storage solutions highlighting Seatrium's advancements in marine applications 
  • Sustainability and technology integration driving successful floating energy projects implementation 
  • Real-world applications of floating energy storage systems in various marine environments 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Ganesan.

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