Henry Zhu

Project Manager (Energy Management) EDF

Henry is a project manager at Electricité de France (EDF) Lab Singapore, with 10 years of experience in power industry. Before joining EDF, he worked as a senior market analyst in Energy Market Company, Singapore. He specializes in topics of Power Market and Energy Transition and has successfully led 24/7 Carbon Free Energy project in Research and Development department EDF. Henry holds an M.Sc. degree in Applied Economics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Main Conference Day 1

9:10 AM Opening Panel Discussion: Building a Resilient Future for Asia – What’s Next in Clean Energy?

  • Analysing the impact of geopolitical events on energy security and the role of clean energy diversification 
  • Exploring regional cooperation strategies for ensuring reliable and secure energy supplies in Asia 
  • Evaluating the potential of floating power and hydrogen for island nations and remote communities 

Main Conference Day 2

10:20 AM 24/7 Carbon Energy Free: Building Resiliency by Achieving Net Zero Target Around The Clock

This session explores strategies to achieve round-the-clock clean energy, including hydrogen and wind power, while incentivising energy storage and regional power integration. 

  • Understanding how clean energy can is the fast-track to Net Zero such as Hydrogen, Wind, etc. 
  • Incentivising the development of the energy storage by allowing the arbitraging of the low carbon energy.  
  • Discussing the locationality feature of EAC that adopt 24/7 CFE will also incentivise the development of the regional power interconnections 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Henry.

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