Herry Nico Siagian

Portfolio Manager PT PLN

Main Conference Day 1

12:20 PM Exploring the Potential of Cirata’s Floating Solar

  • Evaluating the technical feasibility and economic viability of floating solar farms in Asia 
  • Examining the advancements in wave energy technology and its potential for floating platforms 
  • Identifying suitable locations for deploying diverse floating renewable energy solutions 
  • Discussing the role of floating power in diversifying the energy mix and achieving clean energy goals 

3:50 PM Panel Discussion: Exploring the Potential & Challenges of Floating Power and Energy Storage Projects

  • Exploring the technical feasibility and economic viability of floating power generation. 
  • Identifying and addressing the key challenges hindering floating power project development. 
  • Investigating the potential synergies between floating power and energy storage technologies. 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Herry.

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