16 - 18 September, 2019
Radisson Blu Hotel , Salwa, Kuwait
Radisson Blu Hotel , Salwa, Kuwait
Summit Day Two: Tuesday, 17 September 2019
8:00 am - 8:50 am Registration, refreshments and networking
8:50 am - 9:00 am IQPC & Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks
Optimising asset reliability and integrity
Great maintenance ensures enhanced reliability; enhanced reliability leads to a greater shelf life of the asset. Want to extend the shelf life of your assets by 20%? Learn how.
9:00 am - 9:30 am Remote visual inspection to improve equipment reliability
Inspections are important to determine faults and failures within assets. Remote inspection strategies and techniques can help improve asset performance and reliability.
Are your inspections helping maintenance teams prevent asset failures?
- Reduce downtime costs using advanced inspection systems and solutions
- Make informed decisions, identify problems and avoid incidents using remote visual inspections
- Should you rent or buy such technologies?
9:30 am - 10:00 am Improving integrity and asset performance by using Integrated Control Systems (ICS)
Integrated control systems prevented an emergency shutdown for an oil company, had the shutdown taken place it would have cost the company $250,000 in costs and production losses.
How can Integrated Control Systems (ICS) further preventing asset failures?
- Using the concept and technology of ICS to improve safety, reliability and efficiency
- Obtaining real-time information necessary for proper corrective actions to put the process back to track
- Gaining critical information for real-time monitoring, controlling, trending, alarming and reporting
Developing a sustainable maintenance philosophy
Generating electricity through the use of natural gas costs Kuwait a lot, learn about the best techniques to achieve an energy conscious refinery to save power costs by upto 8%.
10:00 am - 10:30 am Improving energy efficiency using smart energy metres at KOC’s critical facilities
Energy efficiency is key when it comes to lowering maintenance costs. Companies have reportedly saved $25million through energy efficient maintenance techniques.
Are your teams energy conscious?
- Developing a holistic preventive maintenance plan with energy conservation as priority
- Optimisation of operations by using integrated automated controls to reap the benefits of energy conservation
- Reducing the usage of natural gas to generate electricity through the installation of solar and wind powered solutions
10:30 am - 11:00 am Developing the right machinery design, operating plan for an energy efficient refinery
Pumps are integral equipment but they also consume huge amounts of energy to run. VFDs on the other hand help in preserving energy and optimising pump performance.
How efficient is your pump strategy?
- Conservation of energy through integrating Variable Drive Frequency (VFD) into centrifugal pump equipment
- Minimising use of energy by integrating operational requirements into maintenance service contracts
- Designing an energy management plan with energy-efficient operation as a primary component
Revolutionising maintenance through IoT and Big Data
Maintenance for millenials is going to be revolutionary. Industry 4.0 has the ability to reduce production costs by atleast 13%.
11:00 am - 11:30 am Networking coffee break and product demos
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Special session on new technologies that are changing the face of maintenance
IoT and Big Data have revolutionised maintenance of assets at oil and gas companies. Digital technologies have proven to save millions for oil and gas companies across the world.
With an industry spending of $907 billion, how are millennials revolutionising maintenance through digital technologies?
- Deploying sensors across equipment to process real-time data for temperature, flow and density to ensure timely maintenance
- Managing millennials – How are expert maintenance leaders managing the change across the organisation?
- Using stored and real-time data in identifying accident frequency and repeated failures of critical and static equipment
- Deploying teams to tackle failures of specific equipment using sensors and the data generated to avoid failures caused by delayed maintenance
RAM – Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
Improving uptimes by targeting 95% RAM across all plants
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Using RAM analysis software to achieve RAM of 95%
Achieving a high rate of RAM for assets has been a challenge for oil and gas companies across the world. A high rate of RAM would result in increased uptime and productivity. Using the right RAM model reduces downtime substantially, determining the causes of failure for critical equipment will help prevent emergency shutdowns
How are RAM softwares being leveraged to achieve maintenance excellence?
- Effective use of RAM analysis software for effective and efficient maintenance
- Challenges faced by engineers while performing RAM based software, and errors
- Optimal usage of RAM for maintenance performance forecasting
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Prayer and networking break
Critical Equipment Maintenance
Failing critical equipment can reduce production and overthrow maintenance budgets, learn about effective maintenance strategies in the VUCA world to prevent this.
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm International Case Study: How Reliance saved $150k in 4 months by tackling maintenance in the VUCA world
The only way forward to survive the intense competition & spend on maintenance is to enable smooth & uninterrupted operations.
How has VUCA helped Reliance achieve maximum productivity?
- Understanding and developing maintenance strategies for the VUCA world
- How focus on “Quality” increases probability to succeed
- Integrating VUCA strategies into your refinery’s maintenance philosophy to achieve maintenance excellence
1:30 pm - 1:30 pm Effective maintenance of heat exchangers to save $650,000
Balancing reliability and heat exchanger maintenance is a priority for the engineers across various plants.
With an average of 200 hours required for maintenance of heat exchangers, maintenance is a huge challenge.
What are the best maintenance strategies to optimise the performance of heat exchangers?
- Striking a balance between maintenance and reliability of heat exchangers
- Maintenance of Breechlock heat exchangers, minimising costs and optimizing performance