High Frequency Microgrid for use in FPSO Applications on High-Voltage Equipment

High Frequency Microgrid for use in FPSO Applications on High-Voltage Equipment

In offshore oil and gas industry applications, Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels are typically equipped with processing equipment that helps separate, store and offload crude oil and gas extracted from subsea oil wells and platforms. FPSO vessels make use of processing equipment installed above the vessel's deck, known in the industry as topside. One of the solutions to achieving power/torque density in Naval and Aviation applications involve micro-grids operating at a higher-than-normal commercial frequency. This is an alternative that has a proven field record and is a potential option for overcoming space constraints in future FPSO designs. The authors from GE Power Conversion will first illustrate critical quality requirements for the considered application along with areas considered beyond the scope of this paper. This paper will then look at three current configurations before moving to the proposed solution and presenting the conclusions that were reached

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