Tim Haïdar
More content by Tim Haïdar
Why your oil and gas projects are dying from rework
October 30 by Tim HaïdarThis exclusive report, produced in association with AVEVA – the world leading engineering software provider to the plant, power and marine industries – provides research and guidance on the dangers po...
Six steps to reduce capex through value engineering
October 13 by Tim HaïdarValue engineering can be defined as a systematic and organised approach to provide the necessary functions in a project at the lowest cost. Based on a methodology developed by Lawrence Miles of Genera...
Four paths to an equitable model of supply chain risk sharing
September 13 by Tim HaïdarOriginally developed for low production level projects in benign offshore environments, the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) sector has come a long way since its inception in the lat...
Five ways redeploying your FPSO will pay dividends
August 16 by Tim HaïdarThe beauty of the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit, is that it can be steered from field to field whenever necessary following its depletion.Although this “hummingbird...
How automation improved the world’s biggest chemicals producer
August 03 by Tim HaïdarThe digital revolution is beginning to take hold in the hydrocarbons industry, bringing with it improvements in productivity that were hitherto unimagined. In this interview with the Glob...
Six guaranteed methods to optimise inspection, maintenance and operating expenditure
July 26 by Tim HaïdarIt goes without saying that in times of low oil price, reducing operational expenditure is a sure-fire way to make any project more commercially viable.Whilst cost-cutting is far from a panacea, eve...
Five things we've found out about operational excellence since 2014
July 25 by Tim HaïdarSince September 2014, the oil and gas industry has suffered its deepest price depression in a decade. The result has been almost half a million redundancies and early retirements, record bankruptcies...
By the numbers - Asset Integrity
July 20 by Tim HaïdarClick on the image below to see the full resolution of our first installment of the By the numb3rs infographic series.
Painting energy’s operational excellence triptych
July 19 by Tim HaïdarThe oil industry’s recovery is underway, and those companies leading the charge have shown that success is a picture painted in three partsThe plunge in oil prices has seen an impact on capital megapr...
2017 state of the FPSO nation report: How to win in the $50 oil price continuum
July 13 by Tim HaïdarAfter the lowest number of awards in three decades, the floating solutions industry is striking back against the oil price depression.In this exclusive 14-page report created in conjunction with the F...
Price woes have created a decommissioning maelstrom in the North Sea
July 07 by Tim HaïdarThe oil price collapse has seen decommissioning rocket to the top of the owner-operator agenda but is anyone truly prepared? In the past 24 months, oil and gas companies have been rocked by price...
Gas prices shoot up in a 21st century Suez crisis
June 13 by Tim HaïdarIn the last fortnight, the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter has been shut off by land, sea and air from its immediate neighbours. Further from our coverage of the crisis last we...