2023 Highlights: The Top 10 Reads on Oil & Gas IQ
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As the year comes to a truly transformative close, we’ve put together a comprehensive reading (or listening!) list featuring some of our most popular content from this year. Delve in crucial insights on digital and cultural transformation, explore the untapped potential of immersive technologies, and uncover the latest happening in the realm of oil and gas and the Connected Worker. Just as you wind down for the holidays, discover the narrative changing the energy landscape.
1. Harness the Power of Sensors and Digital Twins for Oil and Gas
Sensor data and applied analytics are at the foundation of automation and digital transformation in the oil and gas industry. But what does it take to successfully leverage sensor data and analytics in order to realize these benefits?
Download your copy of the report for insights into industry use-cases for utilizing sensor-based predictive analytics.
2. Why Digital Transformation Requires a Cultural Transformation
Companies looking for the next level of operational improvement often turn to technology. But technology alone will not produce a step change in performance.
In this interview, Jose Pires, Founder and CEO of Global Excellence & Innovation advisory firm, discusses how we need to move beyond “connected workers” to “collaborative workers,”, and why cultural transformation underpins digital transformation success.
3. What Can Oil and Gas Companies Do to Attract Workers?
The oil and gas industry has been facing a significant challenge in recruiting and retaining skilled workers for over a decade. The current workforce is aging and there is a shortage of new talent entering the industry.
Read the article for insights on how companies need to focus on attracting and retaining the next generation of workers.
4. Building Resilience with Digital Transformation
With the increasing pace of disruption and change, how can one ensure that technology delivers value, supports resilience and enhances operations?
Listen to the panel discussion where Jason Gislason, Chief Digital Officer, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, Naveen Pandrangi, VP, Chief Information Officer at Phillips 66, and Rémi Raphael, Vice President of Digital Transformation at EDF Renewables share insights from their company’s digital journeys.
5. SPECIAL REPORT: Critical Success Factors to Drive Adoption of Connected Work in Oil and Gas
Oil and gas companies have been implementing Connected Worker solutions to better connect frontline workers to digital resources to drive efficiency, increase employee retention, and harness the knowledge of their most valuable resource: their people.
Download your copy of the Special Report to learn more about the critical success factors required to drive adoption of Connected Worker technology and embed new ways of working within your organization.
6. 6 Technologies Redefining Worker Safety
Advances in technology have revolutionized all aspects of business operations. One area where technology is making a significant impact is in workplace health and safety.
Read the full report to gain insight into how leading companies are using digital tools for the next level of insight to reduce workplace incidents, drive compliance and create more resilient business operations.
7. The Evolution of Continuous Improvement at Dow
Being one of the world’s major chemical companies with plants and facilities all over the world, how do you develop and maintain a culture of continuous improvement in such a large and distributed environment?
Listen to the podcast as Julie Thyne, Global Improvement Director at Dow describes the evolution of continuous improvement at her company.
8. Unlocking the Potential of XR, VR and the Metaverse
As the Industry 4.0 revolution continues, immersive technologies in the realm of Connected Worker emerge as a cost-effective and efficient alternative for training, collaboration, and more, enhancing employee capabilities along the way.
Read the full interview with Christoph Runde, Managing Director, Virtual Dimension Center (VDC), Fellbach as he delves into advanced technology integration and the challenges that come with.
9. How Chevron, Marathon, and ExxonMobil Embed Operational Excellence
Operational excellence has proven to be an effective way to improve company processes, reduce operational and environmental risks, and drive business performance.
Read how three major oil companies - Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Marathon Petroleum – have made operational excellence a key pillar of their businesses and have a systematic approach to driving operational excellence.
10. Interview: Shell USA's President on Driving an Inclusive Energy Transition
As global leaders seek to reduce carbon emissions, it’s important to ensure equitable access to the new low-carbon energy world.
Read the full interview with Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief of Oil and Gas Global Network, about how Shell plans to balance energy security and affordability, while meeting global targets to decarbonize.