intellectual property
#OGIP16: Highlights from Oil & Gas IP Summit 2016
January 29 by Sumit DuttaThe Oil & Gas IQ team were in London this week for the 2016 Oil and Gas Intellectual Property Summit. The event brought together IP experts and leaders to discuss best practice for IP Portfolio Mana...
How can Shell's patents and IPs help your company?
November 26 by Oil & Gas IQ EditorIn this interview, we speak with a top patent lawyer at Shell International about how his company is tracking, marshaling and monetizing the IP assets that it controls for maximum advantage in these t...
Intellectual property driving oil and gas [infographic]
November 24 by Oil & Gas IQ EditorIn one of the largest surveys of its kind, Oil & Gas IQ has reached out to intellectual property (IP) professionals across the world to canvas their opinion on some of the crux issues of the day and h...
[INFOGRAPHIC] Intellectual Property 2015: The Oil & Gas Perspective
December 11 by Oil & Gas IQ EditorIn this exclusive infographic produced by Oil & Gas IQ, we take an in-depth look at the state of intellectual property in the 21st century hydrocarbons industry. From the rise of patent trolling t...
[INTERVIEW] At Least 10 Things That Should Keep A Patent Attorney Up At Night
October 28 by Tim HaïdarIn this interview with the Principal for Intellectual Property at oil sands operator, Cenovus Energy, we tackle a number of the key issues that are proving to be a headache for IP lawyers the industr...
Collaboration: Not A Dirty Word In Oil & Gas
October 08 by Tim HaïdarSince the beginning of oil and gas extraction in the 1820s, companies have been unlocking value and revenue through a constant evolution of process and technology. A business definition of the wor...
Eternal Vigilance Is The Price Of Patent Protection
December 12 by Tim HaïdarIn this exclusive interview, Oil & Gas IQ speaks with Hein Wille, Corporate Intellectual Property Director at SBM Offshore about how a tech company with a market cap of $3.9 billion keeps its int...
Oil & Gas IP: The Perils of Theft, Joint Ventures and Patents vs. Trade Secrets
October 22 by Oil & Gas IQ EditorWhether it be pushing production optimisation through digital oilfield infrastructure or innovations in hydraulic fracturing, it is widely recognised that advances in oil and gas technology will be th...
Oil & Gas IP Summit - Oil & Gas Industry Event Preview
October 03 by Oil & Gas IQ EventsMaintaining Your Edge in the Oil and Gas Industry 27 - 29 January, 2014 | London, UK We are proud to announce that Oil and Gas Intellectual Property Summit - the only dedicated event...
The Only Intellectual Property Event Series Specifically for the Hydrocarbons Industry Moves to Canada
March 14 by Oil & Gas IQ NewsWith R&D spend in the oil and gas sector set to increase by 10% in 2015, the role of intellectual property management has become a significant source of risk and potential reward. Nowhere is this...
[SURVEY] Oil & Gas IP Survey 2014 - Have Your Say!
March 14 by Oil & Gas IQ SurveysCalling all oil & gas IP professionals! In the run up to our Oil & Gas Intellectual Property Summit in London, UK, we are asking you about your opinions on the state of the industry and what c...