Leveraging IIoT for Worker Health & Safety
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The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) issued guidelines since 2018 to develop sustainability journeys and reporting for health and safety. GSSB is the independent standard-setting body of GRI and has developed best practices in occupational health and safety management and reporting. Despite these efforts, there is a very little change over the past decade. Worksite incidents and injuries continue to plague several sectors, resulting in a huge loss of resources.
Captain Daniel Alcantara,, Chief Solution Delivery Officer at Magellan X Pte. Ltd writes 'Leveraging IIoT for Worker Health & Safety' and talks about:
- The most common causes of accident reoccurence
- Transforming safety with the digital framework using wearable technology
- Benefits of the Safety SmartWatch
- Social Commitments in Workers Health and Safety
- and more!
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