How Canada’s Energy and Resources Sector is Redefining Operational Excellence for a Low Carbon Era

How Canada’s Energy and Resources Sector is Redefining Operational Excellence for a Low Carbon Era

Operational excellence programs have traditionally focused on improving efficiency, safety, and quality while reducing costs. Proven methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma, and Business Process Management, focus on improving processes.

The aim is to reduce variability, drive value, and support business agility. Yet, as the industrial sector recovers from the impacts of supply chain disruption and the Covid-19 pandemic, a new challenge is forcing companies to expand the role of operational excellence: climate change.

Download this article to:

  • Learn how key players in Canada’s hard to abate sectors are driving carbon reduction through operational excellence
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities of the net zero transition and hear what companies like ArcelorMittal, Vermilion Energy and TC Energy are doing
  • Explore the ways that operational excellence can provide immediate and tangible impact on your sustainability initiatives

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